Our Story / Board Members / Terese Casu



Terese Casu is an accomplished leader in the arts and cultural sector with a passion for social justice and human rights, and has an extensive career as an artist and arts leader spanning over 30 years.

She has worked with leading Australian arts and cultural organisations such as: Executive Director of Performance Space, CEO of Sydney Mardi Gras, Director Arts Organisations at the Australia Council, Executive Producer at the National Art School, General Manager of the Australian Theatre for Young People and La Boite Theatre and has held senior leadership positions at Bundanon Trust, Belvoir Street Theatre, Circa Ensemble, Sydney Film Festival and the Australian Film Commission.

With a diverse background as a performing artist, dancer and musician, Terese joined Circus Oz as a company member, representing Australia at the 1984 LA Olympic Arts Festival. Terese has worked as an artist with leading performance companies such as Sydney's Legs on the Wall, Circus OZ, DAH Teatre, Tandarcia Puppet Theatre, Stalker, Sidetrack Theatre and created numerous independent multidisciplinary performance works to support positive social change.