Covid-19 Safety
Your guide to a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience at Word Travels and Australian Poetry Slam events.
Word Travels is a COVID Safe Business – the health, safety and wellbeing of our audiences, guests, volunteers and staff is our priority.
Please read the below COVID-19 safety measures to help keep our community safe, remembering that this page (and our processes) will be updated based on the latest government advice and NSW Health Public Health Orders and guidance.
To enter our venues, all attendees must follow NSW Health Public Health Orders and guidance.
Please do not visit if you feel unwell, are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms as identified by NSW Health, are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test, or have been advised that you should be isolating / quarantining. Always err on the side of caution about attending in-person events and contact us if you have any questions about ticket options in relation to COVID-19.
Seating and Ticketing
Please note you may be seated alongside other ticket holders.
In the venue
Face masks are strongly recommended for all while inside our venues, including during the performance. Please bring your own mask.
Please use contactless payment methods at all transaction points in our venues.
Practice good hand hygiene by cleaning your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and water, use the hand sanitising stations throughout our venues. If at any time you do cough or sneeze please do so into your elbow or a tissue – immediately placing the tissue in the bin.
Practise physical distancing (1.5 metres whenever possible).
Please be patient with our team; we are doing all we can to keep you safe. Be considerate of your fellow attendees and try your best to understand the challenges event organisers are facing.
We work with our venue partners to provide the following:
Hand sanitiser available at main entry points and throughout our venues.
Frequently touched surfaces are cleaned regularly throughout the venue, in addition to routine cleaning in adherence to current NSW Health recommendations.
Patron contact details are collected alongside agreement to COVID-19 safety when tickets are purchased.
Please note that restrictions in place at the time of purchasing a ticket may not be the same as when our events take place.
We will adhere to guidelines current at the time of the physical event, so we encourage all patrons to check back closer to the events to review protocols that will be in place.
In the event that a ticket holder is sick/unable to attend or is waiting for a test result: for tickets purchased directly from the venue, please refer to that venue's T&Cs; for tickets purchased from Word Travels / Australian Poetry Slam, please email us about credit or refund options at least 2 hours prior to the event. Refunds are considered at our discretion on a case-by-case basis and we may require evidence supporting your request. If an event is cancelled, the full value will be refunded to the credit or debit card used for purchase.
Please consider your own safety and wellbeing, and whether attending is the right thing for you. By visiting our events at this time, you voluntarily assume the risks posed by COVID-19. Remember that visiting our events when you are unwell puts yourself and others at risk. Attending while under quarantine or isolation orders is prohibited, and if you appear to have COVID-19 symptoms you maybe be denied entry or asked to leave to minimise the risk to others.
We will continue to be guided by the NSW Government’s Health Guidelines and will provide updates to this information.
Questions? Please email us at info@wordtravels.info