Anjalica Solomon

Anjalica Solomon

If Anjalica Solomon were a song, she would be stuck in your head. If she were a book, she would be open.

Anjalica Solomon is a joyful and experimental poetress who resides on unceded land, colonially known as Vancouver BC.


She plays with storytelling both on and off the page as a poet, loop pedalist, singer, and collage artist. Anjalica is the author of “Looking Within the Labyrinth” a self-published poetry chapbook that explores the nature of separation and the labyrinth of one’s own resilience and has been published in local publications and zines.

She has been a member of the University of British Columbia poetry slam team, and has travelled across the country to compete in several national festivals. As an executive leader, she enjoys hosting slam poetry events and  facilitating workshops.

Anjalica is also proud to be ½ of the musical poetic duo, Velveteen Queens, alongside Mariah Lynne Dear. When Anjalica is not writing poetry, she is hidden in her room making collages and other visual poetry with re-appropriated vintage magazines which can be commissioned upon request.