Gary Hamaguchi is a Japanese/Aboriginal Jaru/Noongar man from Broome. He developed a love for film at an early age. Gary is an emerging screenwriter/director. He was selected to participate in the Black Comedy, Season 3 writers’ workshop for ABC and has been a long-time participant of the Goolarri Indigenous Writers Program.


In 2019 Gary was a camera attachment on the critically acclaimed TV drama series “Mystery Road 2”. Gary’s film credits include as writer/director on “Fishing” – a short drama, and “Living off the Bay” which premiered at Broome’s Mud and Saltwater film festival in 2017 and won Best Environmental Short.

In 2019 Gary produced 2 shorts which premiered at the 2019 Sydney Film Festival, a drama “Doug, the Human” which is also due to screen on the ABC in 2020; and an environmental documentary “Saving Seagrass” which has screened on NITV. Gary is the Dialogue Director on 2 language episodes of season 2 of “Little J and Big Cuz”, writer and director of “The Lost Crystal of Jessica’s Room” and “Aboriginal Warrior” as part of the NITV Our Stories program.

He is currently working on “Larapinta” a 6 x 30min documentary series about the oldest river in the world running alongside the oldest continuing culture in the world and the lessons we can learn to save our future.